Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Here we are......the Mall!

I was watching This show on the history channel talking about Fort Knox. At one point in the show they started to talk about the Sherman tank. As if it was a tank killer. It's not by any stretch of the imagination. The Sherman was wanting in ever department. The gun was to small and weak,the armor was to thin,They burned when hit. So,what do we know about the tiger? Well their was 1,354 built. Weight came in around 57 tons. It had a Maybach Hl210p45 engine. The main gun was 8.8cm kwk36 L/56. Plus two mg -34. The tiger was a true tank killer. It could knack a Sherman off it's tracks (literally) at a 1,000 yards. Where The Sherman firing at point blank most of the time the shell would just bounce of the tiger armor. What's the point you ask about my rant? The Sherman tank was a joke and everybody know it. Did they fix the problem. No,they sent our troops to there death in this piece of shit. The fact is that "the power to be" at the time should have been held accountable for incompetence. And this still goes on today in our military. Sending our troops in to battle with sorry ass equipment. The German's did not loss the war because of their equipment. They lost because Hitler was his own worst enemy. My point here being don't believe what you hear on tv about history. Read and learn about it.The picture is of Mid-production tiger of the 1.ss company of the Leibstandarte Schutzstaffel Adolf Hitler on the move in Normandy before the d-day invasion.


tina FCD said...

Heyyy....this sounds familiar....hmmm...great blog though!

Unknown said...

Holy ape shit Batman!

I swear that's the longest post I've read of yours. Very good post though. No rambling like I usually do.

tina FCD said...


SouthLoopScot said...

You are so correct in your assertion about the germans and their technology. Had Hitler used the advancements his people created properly,(Jet Airplanes,Rockets) we would probably be speaking Deutsch!

tina FCD said...


tina FCD said...

ummm...Sorry about all the 6's, my cat Token stepped on the 6 key!!! hilarious that it says 6666666666666!!

tina FCD said...

Ha! and then 9?? lol!!!

tina FCD said...

Okay, I'm a little buzzed on punch!