I'm atheist and I say this with pride. I just want to know when my civil liberties went out the window because I don't believe in the cosmic mcmuffin. According to fundies this country's was founded on christain morality(I use this term loosely). Now, I could go off on a rant about life under christain rule in this country. But I don't think most people reading this blog have the week or two it would take to read it. When was the last time you saw a show geared to the atheist point of view. We don't have a voice in this country...or the running of it. Never mind this country was founded freedom. Freemdom of speech,freemdom of religion or the lack of it. Hell if the fundies had they're way we all be shipped off to camps. Just doing the lord work by killing the non-believers. They go out of the way to silence us. Because they know the can't use god to keep us inline with. Because we see them for what they are. Small mind greedy hypocrites. I don't know about you. But I will fight them at ever turn. I will give them hell every chance I get! I'm not going away...and I can't be silenced. Because that is my right!
It gets depressing sometimes to hear about the religious people fighting against abortion and gay rights, well, same sex marriages. Why would I care who got married? Sounds like back in the day when mixed racial couples wanted to get married. I grew up in the era of race riots. We'll get there one day......
Well said! But I think a change is about to happen. I believe that if we survive the rest of Bush II's term, we might see another Great Awakening in this country. Only this time it'll be in favor of people like us.
By the way, are you the Bob who's been posting comments over at my blog? Either way, great blog!
I agree. THE most disgusting thing I find falls in the hands of "moderate" Christians. They are aplenty and probably for the most part politically moderate. Yet, where is the uproar from them concerning the likes of Pat Robertson?
The vast majority of people in this country (who are self described Christians) accept the right of a woman to have an abortion. How do we have these powerful lobbies in D.C. shaking up this ideological divide? When they (according to the polls) are a minuscule voice compared to the vast majority of the populace?
Because of this: these moderate Christians are enablers and accessories to civil rights infringement. I give no quarter to them. I hate to alienate them, but they too need to stand up for EVERYBODY and their rights under the constitution.
Yep, that'd be him!
Interestingly, a lot of the so called Christian founders of the country were more interested in some basic behaviours and ethics based around honesty, trust, being nice to other people and that sort of thing. The fact that some of them may or may not have been Christian seems to me to have been way secondary to these foundations of treating others with respect and helping each other.
Sadly, many of today's religious types put a lot of emphasis on what they say they are and who they follow and not as much emphasis on how they behave towards others.
They're intolerance and deep drive to crush, silence and destroy anything which opposes their fundamental beliefs says a lot more about them than who or what they believe in, yet they hold onto the fact of their belief as if it gives them immunity from having to follow a lot of the teachings of their own religions about how one should treat others.
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